I just went to Izzy's, Faizah's and some other people blogs. Read some stuff.
Nothing really big is going on in my life, as usual. O'level started long time ago, didn't really do well.
Well, im here not to talk about this nonsense. HAHA. Izzy and Faizah were talking about this relationship stuff. My close friends already know about me and ming hui. And they're teasing me! In case you're wondering, things are getting better now. Seriously! HAHA. I know this sounds crazy, but im starting to plan how my wedding invitation cards will look like. HAHAHA. BUT i stopped myself before things go out of hand.
Anyways, im planning to perm my hair after exam! OMG OMG OMG! HAHA. But my mum keep telling me i'll regret it cause me being lazy person, won't be able to jaga my hair properly. Hmm.
And i just watch Sicko. I mean a few days ago. I thought it was about some sick stuff movie. But apparantly it's a documentary about health insurance and stuff in America and other countries. In U.S, there's this really long list of diseases that prevent you from getting the insurance. Wooo. It's a good documentary.
And UBD students just graduated. It made me think. If i didn't get any scholarships, it's fine. At least i still have the chance to score high at UBD. That's better than drop out of school at Form 5. So yea. But of course it's much much much better to get a scholarship. =)
Im sooo bored. I can't stop thinking about going out shopping. We had 5 days study leave and i didn't study. I watched tv and sleep a lot. Im soo gonna regret this. Hehe.
Well im out.