I was at Temburong these past two days. Visit my house. It was full of all kinds of poop!
Lama inda lawat wah kamu eh. Anyways, my mum arranged a family gathering and that gave her chance to use her brand new plates and cups and all. Sometimes i wonder why
para ibu-ibu, are all excited for these kind of stuff. Oh yeah, I ate the kaki ayam. HAHA. A lot of times.
Then the next day, which is today, we went to Selapon, to go to the stream/river, whatever you wanna call it. Yup,
mandi-mandi kami. The water was icy cold! But it was fun. Except for the part where we have to walk with our bare foot on the stones.
Now i'm in my room, blogging. Came back from temburong just now. And we had to stop at the Limbang Immigration at Kuala Lurah because our passports were not stamped at that place where we were suppose to have them stamped! And it was all because of me! I didn't complete the form. On second thought, that guy who was supposed to stamp our passports is to be blamed! I mean, if the form must be completed to get our passport stamped, he should inform us! But he didn't. He took our passport and give it back without a word. Kesian my mum, i felt guilty cause she has to fix the problem I (or that guy) have caused. Thank God, the officer my mum met was kind enough to let us pass. If not, we have to go all the way back to the immigration post at Limbang. Phew!

My cousin has this serious face. I can't make him smile. And i look fat here.

This morning before we went to Selapon. Siuk sendiri atas meja.

The view of the stream/river.

Icy cold water running through my toes.
