Tuesday, August 19, 2008


There's this form 1 or form 2 kid create this "gossip" blog. To be exact, MS gossip blog.

Well, it turns out there was no gossip AT ALL. 99.99% of the blog was all about finding her. Seriously, who cares? But at least there is something worth to read... her cbox! HAHA. It was so fun reading all the comments. Sender include senior, another senior, another3x senior and even principle. HAHA. They attack her on how bad her english is, about her non-existing gossip and stuff. HAHA. Sucks to be her. But kindda her own fault too. I mean, if you create a blog for EVERYBODY to read, don't ask them to find you. What for? And plus, since it's a "gossip" blog, then supply us with the gossips, not some crappy stuff.

And i just read her latest post "why?why?why?" (after i read her cbox) and... HAHA. See for yourself. =)

AND, i know izzy has been waiting for ages for this. Nah izzy, puas ati mu?

Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair.

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