Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Yesterday, i did manicure/pedicure for dead chicken. My mum and my maid was going out to fetch my siblings at school (i didn't go to school yesterday) and my mum told me, "Bah potong kuku kaki ayam ah."
And i was like, "Inda eh, mihir." Well I've never done it before but still.
Then my mum told me, "Bah kalau ko abis potong kuku kaki ayam satu plastik atu, mami bagi $5."
Then i straight away grab some gloves and start cutting off the nails. See how money can make you do things. HAHA.

I suck at giving manicure/pedicure.

Aren't they skinny?

Gross isn't it? But hey, at least I'm $5 richer!

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